"zena" is an ear jewelry brand. All hand made by the designer. The jewelry is produced using "yosemono" (a Japanese traditional technique for crafting). I can express myself freely with this technique.
〈Ear Fantasie〉
その才能と努力と強さで夢の舞台に立つ人をイメージして制作したEar Fantasieシリーズ。FashionableなArt、ArtisticなFashionをコンセプトに、I hope my ear jewelry will brighten your special day.
2023年9月のNYFWに出展したこのシリーズは、現在LA Hollywoodのショールームで展開、アワードシーズンのレッドカーペットやエディトリアル、ミュージックビデオの制作などにリース。Ear Fantasieがどこまで届くか Challenge the World、夢の瞬間に華を添える耳飾りを日本から提案しています。
〈Ear Fantasie〉
My name is Nao,my brand name is zena. All hand made by me. I worked in the music industry.During that time, I started to be interested in fashion and jewelry from music videos and live performances of the artists. After quitted my job, I launched my jewelry brand called zena. The jewelry is produced using "yosemono" (a Japanese traditional technique for crafting). I can express myself freely with this technique. I hope my jewelry will support your special day. 🏆 COSTUME JEWELRY AWARD 2022 (JAPAN)